import pikepdf # pip3 install pikepdf
file = "1810.04805.pdf"
# file = "1710.05006.pdf"
pdf_file = pikepdf.Pdf.open(file)
urls = []
# iterate over PDF pages
for page in pdf_file.pages:
for annots in page.get("/Annots"):
uri = annots.get("/A").get("/URI")
if uri is not None:
print("[+] URL Found:", uri)
print("[*] Total URLs extracted:", len(urls))
import fitz # pip install PyMuPDF
import re
# a regular expression of URLs
url_regex = r"https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)"
# extract raw text from pdf
# file = "1710.05006.pdf"
file = "1810.04805.pdf"
# open the PDF file
with fitz.open(file) as pdf:
text = ""
for page in pdf:
# extract text of each PDF page
text += page.getText()
urls = []
# extract all urls using the regular expression
for match in re.finditer(url_regex, text):
url = match.group()
print("[+] URL Found:", url)
print("[*] Total URLs extracted:", len(urls))