Database Tutorials

Learn how to integrate databases (relational or non-relational) in your Python programs, so you can appropriately store, manipulate and persist your data.

How to Build a CRUD App with PyQt5 and SQLite3 in Python
How to Build a CRUD App with PyQt5 and SQLite3 in Python

Learn to build a sleek, fully-functional CRUD app using PyQt5 and SQLite3 in Python. This comprehensive tutorial takes you from setting up your database to creating a stylish user interface. Ideal for those looking to transition from Tkinter and create more customizable, native-looking GUI apps.

How to Build a Full-Stack Web App in Python using FastAPI and React.js
How to Build a Full-Stack Web App in Python using FastAPI and React.js

Learn how to build a full-stack notes web app using FastAPI, ReactJS, SQLAlchemy and SQLite.

How to Build a GraphQL API in Python
How to Build a GraphQL API in Python

Learn how to leverage FastAPI, Strawberry, and PostgreSQL to build a fully functional CRUD GraphQL API server in Python.

How to Build a CRUD Application using Django in Python
How to Build a CRUD Application using Django in Python

Learn how to build a CRUD Book store app using Django web framework and Bootstrap, with the ability to create, read, update, and delete books with ease.

How to Build a Complete CRUD App using Flask and Jinja2 in Python
How to Build a Complete CRUD App using Flask and Jinja2 in Python

Learn how to build the frontend of a CRUD application using Flask, Jinja2, Bootstrap and SQLAlchemy libraries in Python.

How to Build a CRUD App with Flask and SQLAlchemy in Python
How to Build a CRUD App with Flask and SQLAlchemy in Python

Learn how to create a CRUD application as a RESTful API using Flask and SQLAlchemy, making a Bookshop web application as a demonstration in Python.

Asynchronous Tasks with Celery in Python
Asynchronous Tasks with Celery in Python

Learn how to leverage Celery library, Redis database and SocketIO library to build synchronous and asynchronous tasks with Flask in Python.

How to Use MongoDB Database in Python
How to Use MongoDB Database in Python

Learn how to connect to a MongoDB database, list databases, collections, insert data into collections, fetching data from collections and more in Python using pymongo driver module.

How to Connect to a Remote MySQL Database in Python
How to Connect to a Remote MySQL Database in Python

Learn how to configure your MySQL server to be able to accept remote connections from Python

How to Use MySQL Database in Python
How to Use MySQL Database in Python

Learn how to connect to a MySQL database, create tables, insert and fetch data in Python using MySQL connector.

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