How to Print Variable Name and Value in Python

Learn the best way to print variable name and value in Python using F-strings.
  · 2 min read · Updated jan 2023 · Python Standard Library

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Python string formatting is a great tool to have in your toolbox. Python f-strings are updates on Python string formatting. It is faster at runtime, and it's easier to write. Once you start using it, there is no going back.

An f-string in Python is a string literal that is prefixed with the letter "f" and curly braces containing expressions that will be replaced with their values. They're a convenient and concise way to include the value of variables or expressions in a string, and they're especially helpful for quick debugging and logging purposes.

F-strings were introduced in Python 3.6 and are available in all subsequent versions. They provide a more readable alternative to the older .format() method for string formatting.

To create an f-string, you can prepend the string with the letter "f" and then include any Python variable within curly brackets:

# Normal way to print variable name and value
name = "Abdou"
age = 24
print(f"name: {name}, age: {age}")


name: Abdou, age: 24

However, there is a faster and even more convenient way to print the variable name and value using the "=" sign in f-strings:

# using the "=" sign
print(f"{name=}, {age=}")


name='Abdou', age=24

Remember that this syntax (using the "=" sign) is only available in Python 3.8 and above. If you're using an earlier version of Python, you must use the regular f-string method.

In conclusion, f-strings are a convenient and concise way to include the value of variables or expressions in a string in Python. They are especially useful for debugging or logging purposes, as they allow you to print the variable name and value in a single statement.

Learn also: How to Organize Files by Extension in Python.

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