Code for Keyboard module: Controlling your Keyboard in Python Tutorial

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import keyboard

# registering a hotkey that replaces one typed text with another
# replaces every "@email" followed by a space with my actual email
keyboard.add_abbreviation("@email", "")

# invokes a callback everytime a hotkey is pressed
keyboard.add_hotkey("ctrl+alt+p", lambda: print("CTRL+ALT+P Pressed!"))

# check if a ctrl is pressed

# press and release space

# multi-key, windows+d as example shows the desktop in Windows machines

# send ALT+F4 in the same time, and then send space, 
# (be carful, this will close any current open window)
keyboard.send("alt+F4, space")

# press CTRL button"ctrl")
# release the CTRL button

# sends artificial keyboard events to the OS
# simulating the typing of a given text
# setting 0.1 seconds to wait between keypresses to look fancy
keyboard.write("Python Programming is always fun!", delay=0.1)

# record all keyboard clicks until esc is clicked
events = keyboard.record('esc')
# play these events
# print all typed strings in the events

# log all pressed keys
keyboard.on_release(lambda e: print(

# remove all keyboard hooks in use

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