server_ips = ["", "", ""]
from scapy.all import IP, ICMP, sr1
import time
def check_latency(ip):
packet = IP(dst=ip) / ICMP()
start_time = time.time()
response = sr1(packet, timeout=2, verbose=0)
end_time = time.time()
if response:
latency = (end_time - start_time) * 1000 # Convert to milliseconds
print(f"[+] Latency to {ip}: {latency:.2f} ms")
print(f"[-] No response from {ip} (possible packet loss)")
for server_ip in server_ips:
# Uncomment them and run according to the tutorial
#from scapy.all import IP, TCP, send, UDP
# # Step 1: Creating a simple IP packet
# packet = IP(dst="") # Setting the destination IP
# packet = IP(dst="") / TCP(dport=80, sport=12345, flags="S")
# print( # Display packet details
# send(packet)
# from scapy.all import ICMP
# # Creating an ICMP Echo request packet
# icmp_packet = IP(dst="") / ICMP()
# send(icmp_packet)
# from scapy.all import UDP
# # Creating a UDP packet
# udp_packet = IP(dst="") / UDP(dport=53, sport=12345)
# send(udp_packet)
# blocked_packet = IP(dst="") / TCP(dport=80, flags="S")
# send(blocked_packet)
# allowed_packet = IP(dst="") / UDP(dport=53)
# send(allowed_packet)