Code for How to Make a MAC Address Changer in Python Tutorial

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import subprocess
import string
import random
import re

def get_random_mac_address():
    """Generate and return a MAC address in the format of Linux"""
    # get the hexdigits uppercased
    uppercased_hexdigits = ''.join(set(string.hexdigits.upper()))
    # 2nd character must be 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, A, C, or E
    mac = ""
    for i in range(6):
        for j in range(2):
            if i == 0:
                mac += random.choice("02468ACE")
                mac += random.choice(uppercased_hexdigits)
        mac += ":"
    return mac.strip(":")

def get_current_mac_address(iface):
    # use the ifconfig command to get the interface details, including the MAC address
    output = subprocess.check_output(f"ifconfig {iface}", shell=True).decode()
    return"ether (.+) ", output).group().split()[1].strip()

def change_mac_address(iface, new_mac_address):
    # disable the network interface
    subprocess.check_output(f"ifconfig {iface} down", shell=True)
    # change the MAC
    subprocess.check_output(f"ifconfig {iface} hw ether {new_mac_address}", shell=True)
    # enable the network interface again
    subprocess.check_output(f"ifconfig {iface} up", shell=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Python Mac Changer on Linux")
    parser.add_argument("interface", help="The network interface name on Linux")
    parser.add_argument("-r", "--random", action="store_true", help="Whether to generate a random MAC address")
    parser.add_argument("-m", "--mac", help="The new MAC you want to change to")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    iface = args.interface
    if args.random:
        # if random parameter is set, generate a random MAC
        new_mac_address = get_random_mac_address()
    elif args.mac:
        # if mac is set, use it instead
        new_mac_address = args.mac
    # get the current MAC address
    old_mac_address = get_current_mac_address(iface)
    print("[*] Old MAC address:", old_mac_address)
    # change the MAC address
    change_mac_address(iface, new_mac_address)
    # check if it's really changed
    new_mac_address = get_current_mac_address(iface)
    print("[+] New MAC address:", new_mac_address)

import subprocess
import regex as re
import string
import random

# the registry path of network interfaces
network_interface_reg_path = r"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\{4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}"
# the transport name regular expression, looks like {AF1B45DB-B5D4-46D0-B4EA-3E18FA49BF5F}
transport_name_regex = re.compile("{.+}")
# the MAC address regular expression
mac_address_regex = re.compile(r"([A-Z0-9]{2}[:-]){5}([A-Z0-9]{2})")

def get_random_mac_address():
    """Generate and return a MAC address in the format of WINDOWS"""
    # get the hexdigits uppercased
    uppercased_hexdigits = ''.join(set(string.hexdigits.upper()))
    # 2nd character must be 2, 4, A, or E
    return random.choice(uppercased_hexdigits) + random.choice("24AE") + "".join(random.sample(uppercased_hexdigits, k=10))

def clean_mac(mac):
    """Simple function to clean non hexadecimal characters from a MAC address
    mostly used to remove '-' and ':' from MAC addresses and also uppercase it"""
    return "".join(c for c in mac if c in string.hexdigits).upper()    

def get_connected_adapters_mac_address():
    # make a list to collect connected adapter's MAC addresses along with the transport name
    connected_adapters_mac = []
    # use the getmac command to extract 
    for potential_mac in subprocess.check_output("getmac").decode().splitlines():
        # parse the MAC address from the line
        mac_address =
        # parse the transport name from the line
        transport_name =
        if mac_address and transport_name:
            # if a MAC and transport name are found, add them to our list
    return connected_adapters_mac

def get_user_adapter_choice(connected_adapters_mac):
    # print the available adapters
    for i, option in enumerate(connected_adapters_mac):
        print(f"#{i}: {option[0]}, {option[1]}")
    if len(connected_adapters_mac) <= 1:
        # when there is only one adapter, choose it immediately
        return connected_adapters_mac[0]
    # prompt the user to choose a network adapter index
        choice = int(input("Please choose the interface you want to change the MAC address:"))
        # return the target chosen adapter's MAC and transport name that we'll use later to search for our adapter
        # using the reg QUERY command
        return connected_adapters_mac[choice]
        # if -for whatever reason- an error is raised, just quit the script
        print("Not a valid choice, quitting...")

def change_mac_address(adapter_transport_name, new_mac_address):
    # use reg QUERY command to get available adapters from the registry
    output = subprocess.check_output(f"reg QUERY " +  network_interface_reg_path.replace("\\\\", "\\")).decode()
    for interface in re.findall(rf"{network_interface_reg_path}\\\d+", output):
        # get the adapter index
        adapter_index = int(interface.split("\\")[-1])
        interface_content = subprocess.check_output(f"reg QUERY {interface.strip()}").decode()
        if adapter_transport_name in interface_content:
            # if the transport name of the adapter is found on the output of the reg QUERY command
            # then this is the adapter we're looking for
            # change the MAC address using reg ADD command
            changing_mac_output = subprocess.check_output(f"reg add {interface} /v NetworkAddress /d {new_mac_address} /f").decode()
            # print the command output
            # break out of the loop as we're done
    # return the index of the changed adapter's MAC address
    return adapter_index

def disable_adapter(adapter_index):
    # use wmic command to disable our adapter so the MAC address change is reflected
    disable_output = subprocess.check_output(f"wmic path win32_networkadapter where index={adapter_index} call disable").decode()
    return disable_output

def enable_adapter(adapter_index):
    # use wmic command to enable our adapter so the MAC address change is reflected
    enable_output = subprocess.check_output(f"wmic path win32_networkadapter where index={adapter_index} call enable").decode()
    return enable_output

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Python Windows MAC changer")
    parser.add_argument("-r", "--random", action="store_true", help="Whether to generate a random MAC address")
    parser.add_argument("-m", "--mac", help="The new MAC you want to change to")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.random:
        # if random parameter is set, generate a random MAC
        new_mac_address = get_random_mac_address()
    elif args.mac:
        # if mac is set, use it after cleaning
        new_mac_address = clean_mac(args.mac)
    connected_adapters_mac = get_connected_adapters_mac_address()
    old_mac_address, target_transport_name = get_user_adapter_choice(connected_adapters_mac)
    print("[*] Old MAC address:", old_mac_address)
    adapter_index = change_mac_address(target_transport_name, new_mac_address)
    print("[+] Changed to:", new_mac_address)
    print("[+] Adapter is disabled")
    print("[+] Adapter is enabled again")