# Imports
import pyinputplus as pyip
from random import choice
# Variables
questionTypes = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '**']
numbersRange = [num for num in range(1, 20)]
points = 0
# Hints
print('Round down to one Number after the Comma.')
print('When asked to press enter to continue, type stop to stop.\n')
# Game Loop
while True:
# Deciding and generating question
currenType = choice(questionTypes)
promptEquation = str(choice(numbersRange)) + ' ' + currenType + ' ' + str(choice(numbersRange))
solution = round(eval(promptEquation), 1)
# Getting answer from User
answer = pyip.inputNum(prompt=promptEquation + ' = ')
# Feedback and Points
if answer == solution:
points += 1
print('Correct!\nPoints: ',points)
points -= 1
print('Wrong!\nSolution: '+str(solution)+'\nPoints: ',points)
# Stopping the Game
if pyip.inputStr('Press "Enter" to continue', blank=True) == 'stop':
# Some Padding