# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Automatically generated by Colaboratory.
Original file is located at
!pip install datasets transformers==4.18.0 sentencepiece
from datasets import *
from transformers import *
from tokenizers import *
import os
import json
# download and prepare cc_news dataset
dataset = load_dataset("cc_news", split="train")
# split the dataset into training (90%) and testing (10%)
d = dataset.train_test_split(test_size=0.1)
d["train"], d["test"]
for t in d["train"]["text"][:3]:
# if you have your custom dataset
# dataset = LineByLineTextDataset(
# tokenizer=tokenizer,
# file_path="path/to/data.txt",
# block_size=64,
# )
# or if you have huge custom dataset separated into files
# load the splitted files
# files = ["train1.txt", "train2.txt"] # train3.txt, etc.
# dataset = load_dataset("text", data_files=files, split="train")
# if you want to train the tokenizer from scratch (especially if you have custom
# dataset loaded as datasets object), then run this cell to save it as files
# but if you already have your custom data as text files, there is no point using this
def dataset_to_text(dataset, output_filename="data.txt"):
"""Utility function to save dataset text to disk,
useful for using the texts to train the tokenizer
(as the tokenizer accepts files)"""
with open(output_filename, "w") as f:
for t in dataset["text"]:
print(t, file=f)
# save the training set to train.txt
dataset_to_text(d["train"], "train.txt")
# save the testing set to test.txt
dataset_to_text(d["test"], "test.txt")
special_tokens = [
"[PAD]", "[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[MASK]", "<S>", "<T>"
# if you want to train the tokenizer on both sets
# files = ["train.txt", "test.txt"]
# training the tokenizer on the training set
files = ["train.txt"]
# 30,522 vocab is BERT's default vocab size, feel free to tweak
vocab_size = 30_522
# maximum sequence length, lowering will result to faster training (when increasing batch size)
max_length = 512
# whether to truncate
truncate_longer_samples = False
# initialize the WordPiece tokenizer
tokenizer = BertWordPieceTokenizer()
# train the tokenizer
tokenizer.train(files=files, vocab_size=vocab_size, special_tokens=special_tokens)
# enable truncation up to the maximum 512 tokens
model_path = "pretrained-bert"
# make the directory if not already there
if not os.path.isdir(model_path):
# save the tokenizer
# dumping some of the tokenizer config to config file,
# including special tokens, whether to lower case and the maximum sequence length
with open(os.path.join(model_path, "config.json"), "w") as f:
tokenizer_cfg = {
"do_lower_case": True,
"unk_token": "[UNK]",
"sep_token": "[SEP]",
"pad_token": "[PAD]",
"cls_token": "[CLS]",
"mask_token": "[MASK]",
"model_max_length": max_length,
"max_len": max_length,
json.dump(tokenizer_cfg, f)
# when the tokenizer is trained and configured, load it as BertTokenizerFast
tokenizer = BertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_path)
def encode_with_truncation(examples):
"""Mapping function to tokenize the sentences passed with truncation"""
return tokenizer(examples["text"], truncation=True, padding="max_length",
max_length=max_length, return_special_tokens_mask=True)
def encode_without_truncation(examples):
"""Mapping function to tokenize the sentences passed without truncation"""
return tokenizer(examples["text"], return_special_tokens_mask=True)
# the encode function will depend on the truncate_longer_samples variable
encode = encode_with_truncation if truncate_longer_samples else encode_without_truncation
# tokenizing the train dataset
train_dataset = d["train"].map(encode, batched=True)
# tokenizing the testing dataset
test_dataset = d["test"].map(encode, batched=True)
if truncate_longer_samples:
# remove other columns and set input_ids and attention_mask as PyTorch tensors
train_dataset.set_format(type="torch", columns=["input_ids", "attention_mask"])
test_dataset.set_format(type="torch", columns=["input_ids", "attention_mask"])
# remove other columns, and remain them as Python lists
test_dataset.set_format(columns=["input_ids", "attention_mask", "special_tokens_mask"])
train_dataset.set_format(columns=["input_ids", "attention_mask", "special_tokens_mask"])
from itertools import chain
# Main data processing function that will concatenate all texts from our dataset and generate chunks of
# max_seq_length.
# grabbed from:
def group_texts(examples):
# Concatenate all texts.
concatenated_examples = {k: list(chain(*examples[k])) for k in examples.keys()}
total_length = len(concatenated_examples[list(examples.keys())[0]])
# We drop the small remainder, we could add padding if the model supported it instead of this drop, you can
# customize this part to your needs.
if total_length >= max_length:
total_length = (total_length // max_length) * max_length
# Split by chunks of max_len.
result = {
k: [t[i : i + max_length] for i in range(0, total_length, max_length)]
for k, t in concatenated_examples.items()
return result
# Note that with `batched=True`, this map processes 1,000 texts together, so group_texts throws away a
# remainder for each of those groups of 1,000 texts. You can adjust that batch_size here but a higher value
# might be slower to preprocess.
# To speed up this part, we use multiprocessing. See the documentation of the map method for more information:
if not truncate_longer_samples:
train_dataset =, batched=True,
desc=f"Grouping texts in chunks of {max_length}")
test_dataset =, batched=True,
desc=f"Grouping texts in chunks of {max_length}")
# convert them from lists to torch tensors
len(train_dataset), len(test_dataset)
# initialize the model with the config
model_config = BertConfig(vocab_size=vocab_size, max_position_embeddings=max_length)
model = BertForMaskedLM(config=model_config)
# initialize the data collator, randomly masking 20% (default is 15%) of the tokens for the Masked Language
# Modeling (MLM) task
data_collator = DataCollatorForLanguageModeling(
tokenizer=tokenizer, mlm=True, mlm_probability=0.2
training_args = TrainingArguments(
output_dir=model_path, # output directory to where save model checkpoint
evaluation_strategy="steps", # evaluate each `logging_steps` steps
num_train_epochs=10, # number of training epochs, feel free to tweak
per_device_train_batch_size=10, # the training batch size, put it as high as your GPU memory fits
gradient_accumulation_steps=8, # accumulating the gradients before updating the weights
per_device_eval_batch_size=64, # evaluation batch size
logging_steps=1000, # evaluate, log and save model checkpoints every 1000 step
# load_best_model_at_end=True, # whether to load the best model (in terms of loss) at the end of training
# save_total_limit=3, # whether you don't have much space so you let only 3 model weights saved in the disk
# initialize the trainer and pass everything to it
trainer = Trainer(
# train the model
# when you load from pretrained
model = BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(os.path.join(model_path, "checkpoint-6000"))
tokenizer = BertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_path)
# or simply use pipeline
fill_mask = pipeline("fill-mask", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
# perform predictions
example = "It is known that [MASK] is the capital of Germany"
for prediction in fill_mask(example):
# perform predictions
examples = [
"Today's most trending hashtags on [MASK] is Donald Trump",
"The [MASK] was cloudy yesterday, but today it's rainy.",
for example in examples:
for prediction in fill_mask(example):
print(f"{prediction['sequence']}, confidence: {prediction['score']}")