import ttkbootstrap as ttk
from ttkbootstrap.scrolled import ScrolledText
from ttkbootstrap.toast import ToastNotification
from tkinter.messagebox import showerror
import googletrans
from googletrans import Translator
import pyttsx3
import pyperclip
translator = Translator()
engine = pyttsx3.init()
class LanguageTranslator:
def __init__(self, master):
self.master = master
# calling the UI method in the constructor
# calling the Widgets method in the constructor
def MainWindow(self):
self.master.title('Language Translator')
self.master.resizable(width = 0, height = 0)
# setting the icon for the application
icon = ttk.PhotoImage(file='icon.png')
self.master.iconphoto(False, icon)
def Widgets(self):
# the canvas for containing the other widgets
self.canvas = ttk.Canvas(self.master, width = 600, height = 400)
# the logo for the application
self.logo = ttk.PhotoImage(file='logo.png').subsample(5, 5)
self.canvas.create_image(75, 70, image = self.logo)
# getting all the languages
language_data = googletrans.LANGUAGES
# getting all the language values using the values() function
language_values = language_data.values()
# converting the languages to a list
languages = list(language_values)
# first combobox for the source language
self.from_language = ttk.Combobox(self.canvas, width = 36, bootstyle = 'primary', values = languages)
self.canvas.create_window(150, 140, window = self.from_language)
# loading the arrow icon
self.arrow_icon = ttk.PhotoImage(file='arrows.png')
self.resized_icon = self.arrow_icon.subsample(15, 15)
self.image_label = ttk.Label(self.master, image = self.resized_icon)
self.canvas.create_window(300, 140, window = self.image_label)
# the second combobox for the destination language
self.to_language = ttk.Combobox(self.canvas, width = 36, bootstyle = 'primary', values = languages)
self.canvas.create_window(450, 140, window = self.to_language)
# scrollable text for entering input
self.from_text = ScrolledText(self.master, font=("Dotum", 10), width = 30, height = 10)
self.canvas.create_window(150, 250, window = self.from_text)
# scrollable text for output
self.to_text = ScrolledText(self.master, font=("Dotum", 10), width = 30, height = 10)
self.canvas.create_window(450, 250, window = self.to_text)
# loading icons
self.speaker_icon = ttk.PhotoImage(file = 'speaker.png').subsample(5, 4)
self.copy_icon = ttk.PhotoImage(file = 'copy.png').subsample(5, 4)
self.speak_button = ttk.Button(self.master, image = self.speaker_icon, bootstyle='secondary', state=ttk.DISABLED, command = self.speak)
self.canvas.create_window(355, 355, window = self.speak_button)
self.copy_button = ttk.Button(self.master, image = self.copy_icon, bootstyle='secondary', state=ttk.DISABLED, command = self.copy_to_clipboard)
self.canvas.create_window(395, 355, window = self.copy_button)
self.translate_button = ttk.Button(self.master, text = 'Translate', width = 20, bootstyle = 'primary', command = self.translate)
self.canvas.create_window(300, 400, window = self.translate_button)
def translate(self):
# getting source language from first combobox via get()
self.source_language = self.from_language.get()
# getting destination language from first combobox via get()
self.destination_language = self.to_language.get()
# getting every content fronm the first scrolledtext
self.text = self.from_text.get(1.0, ttk.END)
# translating the language
self.translation = translator.translate(self.text, src=self.source_language, dest=self.destination_language)
# clearing the second scrolledtext
self.to_text.delete(1.0, ttk.END)
# inserting translation output in the second scroledtext
self.to_text.insert(ttk.END, self.translation.text)
# activating the speak_button
self.speak_button.configure(state = ttk.ACTIVE)
# activating the copy_button
self.copy_button.configure(state = ttk.ACTIVE)
# handle TypeError using except
except TypeError as e:
showerror(title='Invalid Input', message='Make sure you have entered valid input!')
# handle connection errors
except Exception as e:
showerror(title='Connection Error', message='Make sure you have internet connection!')
def speak(self):
# getting every content from the second scrolledtext
self.text = self.to_text.get(1.0, ttk.END)
# gets the speaking rate
rate = engine.getProperty('rate')
# setting the speaking rate
engine.setProperty('rate', 125)
# getting the available voices
voices = engine.getProperty('voices')
# setting the second voice, the female voice
engine.setProperty('voice', voices[1].id)
# saying the translated text
# running the speech
def copy_to_clipboard(self):
# this will create a toast notification object
toast = ToastNotification(
title='Clip Board',
message='Text has been copied to clip board!',
# this will show the notification
# getting all the content from the second scrolledtext
self.text = self.to_text.get(1.0, ttk.END)
# copy to clip board
root = ttk.Window(themename="cosmo")
application = LanguageTranslator(root)