Code for How to Make a Maze Game in Python Tutorial

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import pygame
from random import choice

class Cell:
	def __init__(self, x, y, thickness):
		self.x, self.y = x, y
		self.thickness = thickness
		self.walls = {'top': True, 'right': True, 'bottom': True, 'left': True}
		self.visited = False

	# draw grid cell walls
	def draw(self, sc, tile):
		x, y = self.x * tile, self.y * tile
		if self.walls['top']:
			pygame.draw.line(sc, pygame.Color('darkgreen'), (x, y), (x + tile, y), self.thickness)
		if self.walls['right']:
			pygame.draw.line(sc, pygame.Color('darkgreen'), (x + tile, y), (x + tile, y + tile), self.thickness)
		if self.walls['bottom']:
			pygame.draw.line(sc, pygame.Color('darkgreen'), (x + tile, y + tile), (x , y + tile), self.thickness)
		if self.walls['left']:
			pygame.draw.line(sc, pygame.Color('darkgreen'), (x, y + tile), (x, y), self.thickness)

	# checks if cell does exist and returns it if it does
	def check_cell(self, x, y, cols, rows, grid_cells):
		find_index = lambda x, y: x + y * cols
		if x < 0 or x > cols - 1 or y < 0 or y > rows - 1:
			return False
		return grid_cells[find_index(x, y)]

	# checking cell neighbors of current cell if visited (carved) or not
	def check_neighbors(self, cols, rows, grid_cells):
		neighbors = []
		top = self.check_cell(self.x, self.y - 1, cols, rows, grid_cells)
		right = self.check_cell(self.x + 1, self.y, cols, rows, grid_cells)
		bottom = self.check_cell(self.x, self.y + 1, cols, rows, grid_cells)
		left = self.check_cell(self.x - 1, self.y, cols, rows, grid_cells)
		if top and not top.visited:
		if right and not right.visited:
		if bottom and not bottom.visited:
		if left and not left.visited:
		return choice(neighbors) if neighbors else False

import pygame, time


class Clock:
	def __init__(self):
		self.start_time = None
		self.elapsed_time = 0
		self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", 35)
		self.message_color = pygame.Color("yellow")

	# Start the timer
	def start_timer(self):
		self.start_time = time.time()

	# Update the timer
	def update_timer(self):
		if self.start_time is not None:
			self.elapsed_time = time.time() - self.start_time

	# Display the timer
	def display_timer(self):
		secs = int(self.elapsed_time % 60)
		mins = int(self.elapsed_time / 60)
		my_time = self.font.render(f"{mins:02}:{secs:02}", True, self.message_color)
		return my_time

	# Stop the timer
	def stop_timer(self):
		self.start_time = None

import pygame


class Game:
	def __init__(self, goal_cell, tile):
		self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("impact", 35)
		self.message_color = pygame.Color("darkorange")
		self.goal_cell = goal_cell
		self.tile = tile

	# add goal point for player to reach
	def add_goal_point(self, screen):
		# adding gate for the goal point
		img_path = 'img/gate.png'
		img = pygame.image.load(img_path)
		img = pygame.transform.scale(img, (self.tile, self.tile))
		screen.blit(img, (self.goal_cell.x * self.tile, self.goal_cell.y * self.tile))

	# winning message
	def message(self):
		msg = self.font.render('You Win!!', True, self.message_color)
		return msg

	# checks if player reached the goal point
	def is_game_over(self, player):
		goal_cell_abs_x, goal_cell_abs_y = self.goal_cell.x * self.tile, self.goal_cell.y * self.tile
		if player.x >= goal_cell_abs_x and player.y >= goal_cell_abs_y:
			return True
			return False

import pygame, sys
from maze import Maze
from player import Player
from game import Game
from clock import Clock


class Main():
	def __init__(self, screen):
		self.screen = screen
		self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("impact", 30)
		self.message_color = pygame.Color("cyan")
		self.running = True
		self.game_over = False
		self.FPS = pygame.time.Clock()

	def instructions(self):
		instructions1 = self.font.render('Use', True, self.message_color)
		instructions2 = self.font.render('Arrow Keys', True, self.message_color)
		instructions3 = self.font.render('to Move', True, self.message_color)

	# draws all configs; maze, player, instructions, and time
	def _draw(self, maze, tile, player, game, clock):
		# draw maze
		[cell.draw(self.screen, tile) for cell in maze.grid_cells]

		# add a goal point to reach

		# draw every player movement
		# instructions, clock, winning message
		if self.game_over:
		self.screen.blit(clock.display_timer(), (625,200))

	# main game loop
	def main(self, frame_size, tile):
		cols, rows = frame_size[0] // tile, frame_size[-1] // tile
		maze = Maze(cols, rows)
		game = Game(maze.grid_cells[-1], tile)
		player = Player(tile // 3, tile // 3)
		clock = Clock()

		while self.running:
			self.screen.fill( pygame.Color("darkslategray"), (603, 0, 752, 752))

			for event in pygame.event.get():
				if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

			# if keys were pressed still
			if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
				if not self.game_over:
					if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
						player.left_pressed = True
					if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
						player.right_pressed = True
					if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
						player.up_pressed = True
					if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
						player.down_pressed = True
					player.check_move(tile, maze.grid_cells, maze.thickness)
			# if pressed key released
			if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
				if not self.game_over:
					if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
						player.left_pressed = False
					if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
						player.right_pressed = False
					if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
						player.up_pressed = False
					if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
						player.down_pressed = False
					player.check_move(tile, maze.grid_cells, maze.thickness)

			if game.is_game_over(player):
				self.game_over = True
				player.left_pressed = False
				player.right_pressed = False
				player.up_pressed = False
				player.down_pressed = False

			self._draw(maze, tile, player, game, clock)

if __name__ == "__main__":
	window_size = (602, 602)
	screen = (window_size[0] + 150, window_size[-1])
	tile_size = 30
	screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen)

	game = Main(screen)
	game.main(window_size, tile_size)

import pygame
from cell import Cell

class Maze:
	def __init__(self, cols, rows):
		self.cols = cols
		self.rows = rows
		self.thickness = 4
		self.grid_cells = [Cell(col, row, self.thickness) for row in range(self.rows) for col in range(self.cols)]

	# carve grid cell walls
	def remove_walls(self, current, next):
		dx = current.x - next.x
		if dx == 1:
			current.walls['left'] = False
			next.walls['right'] = False
		elif dx == -1:
			current.walls['right'] = False
			next.walls['left'] = False
		dy = current.y - next.y
		if dy == 1:
			current.walls['top'] = False
			next.walls['bottom'] = False
		elif dy == -1:
			current.walls['bottom'] = False
			next.walls['top'] = False

	# generates maze
	def generate_maze(self):
		current_cell = self.grid_cells[0]
		array = []
		break_count = 1
		while break_count != len(self.grid_cells):
			current_cell.visited = True
			next_cell = current_cell.check_neighbors(self.cols, self.rows, self.grid_cells)
			if next_cell:
				next_cell.visited = True
				break_count += 1
				self.remove_walls(current_cell, next_cell)
				current_cell = next_cell
			elif array:
				current_cell = array.pop()
		return self.grid_cells

import pygame

class Player:
	def __init__(self, x, y):
		self.x = int(x)
		self.y = int(y)
		self.player_size = 10
		self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, self.player_size, self.player_size)
		self.color = (250, 120, 60)
		self.velX = 0
		self.velY = 0
		self.left_pressed = False
		self.right_pressed = False
		self.up_pressed = False
		self.down_pressed = False
		self.speed = 4

	# get current cell position of the player
	def get_current_cell(self, x, y, grid_cells):
		for cell in grid_cells:
			if cell.x == x and cell.y == y:
				return cell

	# stops player to pass through walls
	def check_move(self, tile, grid_cells, thickness):
		current_cell_x, current_cell_y = self.x // tile, self.y // tile
		current_cell = self.get_current_cell(current_cell_x, current_cell_y, grid_cells)
		current_cell_abs_x, current_cell_abs_y = current_cell_x * tile, current_cell_y * tile
		if self.left_pressed:
			if current_cell.walls['left']:
				if self.x <= current_cell_abs_x + thickness:
					self.left_pressed = False
		if self.right_pressed:
			if current_cell.walls['right']:
				if self.x >= current_cell_abs_x + tile - (self.player_size + thickness):
					self.right_pressed = False
		if self.up_pressed:
			if current_cell.walls['top']:
				if self.y <= current_cell_abs_y + thickness:
					self.up_pressed = False
		if self.down_pressed:
			if current_cell.walls['bottom']:
				if self.y >= current_cell_abs_y + tile - (self.player_size + thickness):
					self.down_pressed = False

	# drawing player to the screen
	def draw(self, screen):
		pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.color, self.rect)

	# updates player position while moving
	def update(self):
		self.velX = 0
		self.velY = 0
		if self.left_pressed and not self.right_pressed:
			self.velX = -self.speed
		if self.right_pressed and not self.left_pressed:
			self.velX = self.speed
		if self.up_pressed and not self.down_pressed:
			self.velY = -self.speed
		if self.down_pressed and not self.up_pressed:
			self.velY = self.speed

		self.x += self.velX
		self.y += self.velY

		self.rect = pygame.Rect(int(self.x), int(self.y), self.player_size, self.player_size)

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