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from tkinter import *
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename, asksaveasfilename
import ctypes
from functools import partial
from json import loads, dumps
# Setup
root = Tk()
# Used to make title of the application
applicationName = 'Rich Text Editor'
# Current File Path
filePath = None
# initial directory to be the current directory
initialdir = '.'
# Define File Types that can be choosen
validFileTypes = (
("Rich Text File","*.rte"),
("all files","*.*")
# Setting the font and Padding for the Text Area
fontName = 'Bahnschrift'
padding = 60
# Infos about the Document are stored here
document = None
# Default content of the File
defaultContent = {
"content": "",
"tags": {
'bold': [(), ()]
# Transform rgb to hex
def rgbToHex(rgb):
return "#%02x%02x%02x" % rgb
# Add Different Types of Tags that can be added to the document.
tagTypes = {
# Font Settings
'Bold': {'font': f'{fontName} 15 bold'},
'Italic': {'font': f'{fontName} 15 italic'},
'Code': {'font': 'Consolas 15', 'background': rgbToHex((200, 200, 200))},
# Sizes
'Normal Size': {'font': f'{fontName} 15'},
'Larger Size': {'font': f'{fontName} 25'},
'Largest Size': {'font': f'{fontName} 35'},
# Background Colors
'Highlight': {'background': rgbToHex((255, 255, 0))},
'Highlight Red': {'background': rgbToHex((255, 0, 0))},
'Highlight Green': {'background': rgbToHex((0, 255, 0))},
'Highlight Black': {'background': rgbToHex((0, 0, 0))},
# Foreground / Text Colors
'Text White': {'foreground': rgbToHex((255, 255, 255))},
'Text Grey': {'foreground': rgbToHex((200, 200, 200))},
'Text Blue': {'foreground': rgbToHex((0, 0, 255))},
'Text green': {'foreground': rgbToHex((0, 255, 0))},
'Text Red': {'foreground': rgbToHex((255, 0, 0))},
# Handle File Events
def fileManager(event=None, action=None):
global document, filePath
# Open
if action == 'open':
# ask the user for a filename with the native file explorer.
filePath = askopenfilename(filetypes=validFileTypes, initialdir=initialdir)
with open(filePath, 'r') as f:
document = loads(
# Delete Content
textArea.delete('1.0', END)
# Set Content
textArea.insert('1.0', document['content'])
# Set Title
root.title(f'{applicationName} - {filePath}')
# Reset all tags
# Add To the Document
for tagName in document['tags']:
for tagStart, tagEnd in document['tags'][tagName]:
textArea.tag_add(tagName, tagStart, tagEnd)
print(tagName, tagStart, tagEnd)
elif action == 'save':
document = defaultContent
document['content'] = textArea.get('1.0', END)
for tagName in textArea.tag_names():
if tagName == 'sel': continue
document['tags'][tagName] = []
ranges = textArea.tag_ranges(tagName)
for i, tagRange in enumerate(ranges[::2]):
document['tags'][tagName].append([str(tagRange), str(ranges[i+1])])
if not filePath:
# ask the user for a filename with the native file explorer.
newfilePath = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=validFileTypes, initialdir=initialdir)
# Return in case the User Leaves the Window without
# choosing a file to save
if newfilePath is None: return
filePath = newfilePath
if not filePath.endswith('.rte'):
filePath += '.rte'
with open(filePath, 'w') as f:
print('Saving at: ', filePath)
root.title(f'{applicationName} - {filePath}')
def resetTags():
for tag in textArea.tag_names():
textArea.tag_remove(tag, "1.0", "end")
for tagType in tagTypes:
textArea.tag_configure(tagType.lower(), tagTypes[tagType])
def keyDown(event=None):
root.title(f'{applicationName} - *{filePath}')
def tagToggle(tagName):
start, end = "sel.first", "sel.last"
if tagName in textArea.tag_names('sel.first'):
textArea.tag_remove(tagName, start, end)
textArea.tag_add(tagName, start, end)
textArea = Text(root, font=f'{fontName} 15', relief=FLAT)
textArea.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=TRUE, padx=padding, pady=padding)
textArea.bind("<Key>", keyDown)
menu = Menu(root)
fileMenu = Menu(menu, tearoff=0)
menu.add_cascade(label="File", menu=fileMenu)
fileMenu.add_command(label="Open", command=partial(fileManager, action='open'), accelerator='Ctrl+O')
root.bind_all('<Control-o>', partial(fileManager, action='open'))
fileMenu.add_command(label="Save", command=partial(fileManager, action='save'), accelerator='Ctrl+S')
root.bind_all('<Control-s>', partial(fileManager, action='save'))
fileMenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=root.quit)
formatMenu = Menu(menu, tearoff=0)
menu.add_cascade(label="Format", menu=formatMenu)
for tagType in tagTypes:
formatMenu.add_command(label=tagType, command=partial(tagToggle, tagName=tagType.lower()))