import os
import fitz # PyMuPDF
import io
from PIL import Image
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Extract images from a PDF file.")
parser.add_argument("file", help="PDF file to extract images from.")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Output directory for the extracted images.", default="extracted_images")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", help="Desired output image format, default is PNG.", default="png")
parser.add_argument("-w", "--width", help="Minimum width for extracted images, default is 100.", default=100, type=int)
parser.add_argument("-he", "--height", help="Minimum height for extracted images, default is 100.", default=100, type=int)
# Parse the arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
# Output directory for the extracted images
output_dir = args.output
# Desired output image format
output_format = args.format
# Minimum width and height for extracted images
min_width = args.width
min_height = args.height
# Create the output directory if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
# File path you want to extract images from
file = args.file
# Open the file
pdf_file = fitz.open(file)
# Iterate over PDF pages
for page_index in range(len(pdf_file)):
# Get the page itself
page = pdf_file[page_index]
# Get image list
image_list = page.get_images(full=True)
# Print the number of images found on this page
if image_list:
print(f"[+] Found a total of {len(image_list)} images in page {page_index}")
print(f"[!] No images found on page {page_index}")
# Iterate over the images on the page
for image_index, img in enumerate(image_list, start=1):
# Get the XREF of the image
xref = img[0]
# Extract the image bytes
base_image = pdf_file.extract_image(xref)
image_bytes = base_image["image"]
# Get the image extension
image_ext = base_image["ext"]
# Load it to PIL
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image_bytes))
# Check if the image meets the minimum dimensions and save it
if image.width >= min_width and image.height >= min_height:
open(os.path.join(output_dir, f"image{page_index + 1}_{image_index}.{output_format}"), "wb"),
print(f"[-] Skipping image {image_index} on page {page_index} due to its small size.")
import os
import fitz # PyMuPDF
import io
from PIL import Image
# Output directory for the extracted images
output_dir = "extracted_images"
# Desired output image format
output_format = "png"
# Minimum width and height for extracted images
min_width = 100
min_height = 100
# Create the output directory if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
# File path you want to extract images from
file = "1710.05006.pdf"
# Open the file
pdf_file = fitz.open(file)
# Iterate over PDF pages
for page_index in range(len(pdf_file)):
# Get the page itself
page = pdf_file[page_index]
# Get image list
image_list = page.get_images(full=True)
# Print the number of images found on this page
if image_list:
print(f"[+] Found a total of {len(image_list)} images in page {page_index}")
print(f"[!] No images found on page {page_index}")
# Iterate over the images on the page
for image_index, img in enumerate(image_list, start=1):
# Get the XREF of the image
xref = img[0]
# Extract the image bytes
base_image = pdf_file.extract_image(xref)
image_bytes = base_image["image"]
# Get the image extension
image_ext = base_image["ext"]
# Load it to PIL
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image_bytes))
# Check if the image meets the minimum dimensions and save it
if image.width >= min_width and image.height >= min_height:
open(os.path.join(output_dir, f"image{page_index + 1}_{image_index}.{output_format}"), "wb"),
print(f"[-] Skipping image {image_index} on page {page_index} due to its small size.")