Code for How to Extract YouTube Data in Python Tutorial

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from requests_html import HTMLSession
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import re
import json

# init session
session = HTMLSession()

def get_video_info(url):
    # download HTML code
    response = session.get(url)
    # execute Javascript
    # create beautiful soup object to parse HTML
    soup = bs(response.html.html, "html.parser")
    # open("index.html", "w").write(response.html.html)
    # initialize the result
    result = {}
    # video title
    result["title"] = soup.find("meta", itemprop="name")['content']
    # video views
    result["views"] = soup.find("meta", itemprop="interactionCount")['content']
    # video description
    result["description"] = soup.find("meta", itemprop="description")['content']
    # date published
    result["date_published"] = soup.find("meta", itemprop="datePublished")['content']
    # get the duration of the video
    result["duration"] = soup.find("span", {"class": "ytp-time-duration"}).text
    # get the video tags
    result["tags"] = ', '.join([ meta.attrs.get("content") for meta in soup.find_all("meta", {"property": "og:video:tag"}) ])

    # Additional video and channel information (with help from:
    data ="var ytInitialData = ({.*?});", soup.prettify()).group(1)
    data_json = json.loads(data)
    videoPrimaryInfoRenderer = data_json['contents']['twoColumnWatchNextResults']['results']['results']['contents'][0]['videoPrimaryInfoRenderer']
    videoSecondaryInfoRenderer = data_json['contents']['twoColumnWatchNextResults']['results']['results']['contents'][1]['videoSecondaryInfoRenderer']
    # number of likes
    likes_label = videoPrimaryInfoRenderer['videoActions']['menuRenderer']['topLevelButtons'][0]['toggleButtonRenderer']['defaultText']['accessibility']['accessibilityData']['label'] # "No likes" or "###,### likes"
    likes_str = likes_label.split(' ')[0].replace(',','')
    result["likes"] = '0' if likes_str == 'No' else likes_str
    # number of likes (old way) doesn't always work
    # text_yt_formatted_strings = soup.find_all("yt-formatted-string", {"id": "text", "class": "ytd-toggle-button-renderer"})
    # result["likes"] = ''.join([ c for c in text_yt_formatted_strings[0].attrs.get("aria-label") if c.isdigit() ])
    # result["likes"] = 0 if result['likes'] == '' else int(result['likes'])
    # number of dislikes - YouTube does not publish this anymore...
    # result["dislikes"] = ''.join([ c for c in text_yt_formatted_strings[1].attrs.get("aria-label") if c.isdigit() ])	
    # result["dislikes"] = '0' if result['dislikes'] == '' else result['dislikes']
    result['dislikes'] = 'UNKNOWN'
    # channel details
    channel_tag = soup.find("meta", itemprop="channelId")['content']
    # channel name
    channel_name = soup.find("span", itemprop="author")['content']
    # channel URL
    # channel_url = soup.find("span", itemprop="author").next['href']
    channel_url = f"{channel_tag}"
    # number of subscribers as str
    channel_subscribers = videoSecondaryInfoRenderer['owner']['videoOwnerRenderer']['subscriberCountText']['accessibility']['accessibilityData']['label']
    # channel details (old way)
    # channel_tag = soup.find("yt-formatted-string", {"class": "ytd-channel-name"}).find("a")
    # # channel name (old way)
    # channel_name = channel_tag.text
    # # channel URL (old way)
    # channel_url = f"{channel_tag['href']}"
    # number of subscribers as str (old way)
    # channel_subscribers = soup.find("yt-formatted-string", {"id": "owner-sub-count"}).text.strip()
    result['channel'] = {'name': channel_name, 'url': channel_url, 'subscribers': channel_subscribers}
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="YouTube Video Data Extractor")
    parser.add_argument("url", help="URL of the YouTube video")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    # parse the video URL from command line
    url = args.url
    data = get_video_info(url)

    # print in nice format
    print(f"Title: {data['title']}")
    print(f"Views: {data['views']}")
    print(f"Published at: {data['date_published']}")
    print(f"Video Duration: {data['duration']}")
    print(f"Video tags: {data['tags']}")
    print(f"Likes: {data['likes']}")
    print(f"Dislikes: {data['dislikes']}")
    print(f"\nDescription: {data['description']}\n")
    print(f"\nChannel Name: {data['channel']['name']}")
    print(f"Channel URL: {data['channel']['url']}")
    print(f"Channel Subscribers: {data['channel']['subscribers']}")

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