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# importing everything from tkinter
from tkinter import *
# importing the styling module ttk from tkinter
from tkinter import ttk
# importing the message boxes from tkinter
from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo, showerror, askokcancel
# this is for recording the actual voice
import sounddevice
# this is for saving the recorded file to wav file format
from import write
# threading will help the app's tasks run concurrently
import threading
# importing datetime from datetime to handle dates
from datetime import datetime
# this will handle time
import time
# os module will be used for renaming files
import os
# the function for closing the main window
def close_window():
# here we are checking if the value of askokcancel is True
if askokcancel(title='Close Voice Recorder', message='Are you sure you want to close the Voice Recorder?'):
# this kills the window
# function for recording sound
def record_voice():
# the try statement is for
# this is the frequence at which the record will happen
freq = 44100
# getting the recording duration from the entry
duration = int(duration_entry.get())
# calling the recorder via the rec() function
recording = sounddevice.rec(duration*freq, samplerate=freq, channels=2)
# declaring the counter
counter = 0
# the loop is for displaying the recording progress
while counter < duration:
# updating the window
# this will help update the window after every 1 second
# incrementing the counter by 1
counter += 1
# displaying the recording duration
# this records audio for the specified duration
# writing the audio data to recording.wav
write('recording.wav', freq, recording)
# looping through all the files in the current folder
for file in os.listdir():
# checking if the file name is recording.wav
if file == 'recording.wav':
# spliting the base and the extension
base, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
# getting current time
current_time =
# creating a new name for the recorded file
new_name = 'recording-' + str(current_time.hour) + '.' + str(current_time.minute) + '.' + str(current_time.second) + ext
# renaming the file
os.rename(file, new_name)
# display a message when recording is done
showinfo('Recording complete', 'Your recording is complete')
# function for catching all errors
# display a message when an error is caught
showerror(title='Error', message='An error occurred' \
'\nThe following could ' \
'be the causes:\n->Bad duration value\n->An empty entry field\n' \
'Do not leave the entry empty and make sure to enter a valid duration value')
# the function to run record_voice as a thread
def recording_thread():
# creating the thread whose target is record_voice()
t1 = threading.Thread(target=record_voice)
# starting the thread
# creates the window using Tk() fucntion
window = Tk()
# this will listen to the close window event
window.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', close_window)
# creates title for the window
window.title('Voice Recorder')
# the icon for the application, this replaces the default icon
window.iconbitmap(window, 'voice_recorder_icon.ico')
# dimensions and position of the window
# makes the window non-resizable
window.resizable(height=FALSE, width=FALSE)
"""Styles for the widgets"""
# style for the label
label_style = ttk.Style()
label_style.configure('TLabel', foreground='#000000', font=('OCR A Extended', 15))
# style for the entry
entry_style = ttk.Style()
entry_style.configure('TEntry', font=('Dotum', 15))
# style for the button
button_style = ttk.Style()
button_style.configure('TButton', foreground='#000000', font='DotumChe')
# creates the canvas for containing all the widgets
canvas = Canvas(window, width=500, height=400)
# loading the logo
logo = PhotoImage(file='recorder.png')
# creates dimensions of the logo
logo = logo.subsample(2, 2)
# adding the logo to the canvas
canvas.create_image(240, 135, image=logo)
# creating a ttk label
duration_label = ttk.Label(window, text='Enter Recording Duration in Seconds:', style='TLabel')
# creating a ttk entry
duration_entry = ttk.Entry(window, width=76, style='TEntry')
# adding the label to the canvas
canvas.create_window(235, 290, window=duration_label)
# adding the entry to the canvas
canvas.create_window(250, 315, window=duration_entry)
# creating the empty label for displaying download progress
progress_label = ttk.Label(window, text='')
# creating the button
record_button = ttk.Button(window, text='Record', style='TButton', command=recording_thread)
# adding the label to the canvas
canvas.create_window(240, 365, window=progress_label)
# adding the button to the canvas
canvas.create_window(240, 410, window=record_button)
# this will run the main window infinetly