# Import pyinputplus for choice inputs and os to clear the console.
import pyinputplus
import os
import json
# setting up some variables
currentKey = '0'
currentKeys = []
itemAlreadyAdded = False
# Get the Story Prompts
# A dictionary is used because we dont want to allow
# duplicate keys
with open('story.json', 'r') as f:
storyPrompts = json.load(f)
inventory = {
'banana(s)': 0,
'clock(s)': 2,
'swords(s)': 0,
# Check if the prompts are valid
for prompt in storyPrompts:
promptText, keys, *_ = storyPrompts[prompt]
# Add ":" at the end of the prompt Text
if not promptText.endswith(':'):
storyPrompts[prompt][0] = promptText + ': '
# Check if the keys are strings, if not transform them
storyPrompts[prompt][1] = [str(i) for i in keys]
# Giving the user some instructions.
print('Type in the number of the prompt or -i to view your inventory ... have fun.')
# Prompt Loop
while True:
# Clearing the Console on all platforms
os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')
# Get the current prompt all its associated data
currentPrompt, currentKeys, _, action = storyPrompts[currentKey]
# Finish the Adventure when the next keys list contains the string 'end'
if 'end' in currentKeys:
# Look for inventory Changes
if not itemAlreadyAdded:
if 'minus' in action:
inventory[action.split('-')[1]+'(s)'] -= 1
if 'plus' in action:
inventory[action.split('-')[1]+'(s)'] += 1
# Add Option Descriptions to the current Prompt with their number
for o in currentKeys:
invalidOption = False
thisaction = storyPrompts[o][3]
if 'minus' in thisaction:
item = storyPrompts[o][3].split('-')[1]+'(s)'
if inventory[item] == 0:
invalidOption = True
if not invalidOption:
currentPrompt += f'\n{o}. {storyPrompts[o][2]}'
currentPrompt += '\n\nWhat do you do? '
# Get the input from the user, only give them the keys as a choice so they dont
# type in something invalid.
userInput = pyinputplus.inputChoice(choices=(currentKeys + ['-i']), prompt=currentPrompt)
# Printing out the inventory if the user types in -i
if '-i' in userInput:
print(f'\nCurrent Inventory: ')
for i in inventory:
print(f'{i} : {inventory[i]}')
print ('\n')
input('Press Enter to continue ... ')
itemAlreadyAdded = True
itemAlreadyAdded = False
currentKey = userInput
# Printing out the last prompt so the user knows what happened to him.
print('\nStory Finished ...')