# Imports
from tkinter import *
import string
import sys
import ctypes
# Increase Dots Per inch so it looks sharper
# Define X and Y Axis Lists
xAxis = string.ascii_lowercase[0:7]
yAxis = range(0, 12)
# Cells will hold the strings vars and the lables
cells = {}
# Open the content of the given file
# if one was provided and save it as a two
# dimensional list.
CsvContent = ''
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
CsvContent = f.read().split('\n')
for i, layer in enumerate(CsvContent):
CsvContent[i] = layer.split(',')
# Make a new Top Level Element (Window)
root = Tk()
# Set the the title to also mention the given file name
# if there is one
title = "Spreadsheet App" if CsvContent == '' else f"Spreadsheet App - {sys.argv[1]}"
# Evaluating a cell
def evaluateCell(cellId, *i):
# Get the content from the string var
# and make it lowercase
content = cells[cellId][0].get()
content = content.lower()
# get the reference to the label
label = cells[cellId][1]
# if the cell starts with a = it is evaluated
if content.startswith('='):
# Loop through all cells ...
for cell in cells:
# ... and see if their name appears in this cell
if cell in content.lower():
# if it is then replace the name occurences
# with the evaluated content from there.
content = content.replace(cell, str(evaluateCell(cell)))
# Get the content without the = and try to evaluate it
content = content[1:]
content = eval(content)
content = 'NAN'
label['text'] = content
return content
# If not, the label just shows the content
label['text'] = content
return content
# Call the eval function for every cell every ten milliseconds.
def updateAllCells():
# Call it again
root.after(10, updateAllCells)
# Loop through all cells
for cell in cells:
# Display the Y axis lables
for y in yAxis:
label = Label(root, text = y, width=5, background='white')
label.grid(row=y + 1, column=0)
# Display the X axis lables with enumerate
for i, x in enumerate(xAxis):
label = Label(root, text = x, width=35, background='white')
label.grid(row=0, column=i + 1, sticky='n')
# Display the Cells, by using a nested loop
for y in yAxis:
for xcoor, x in enumerate(xAxis):
# Generate a Unique ID for the cell with the coordinates
id = f'{x}{y}'
# Make String Var associated with the Cell
var = StringVar(root, '', id)
# Make Entry and label, offset each axis by one because of the lables
e = Entry(root, textvariable=var, width=30)
e.grid(row=y + 1, column=xcoor + 1)
label = Label(root, text = '', width=5)
label.grid(row=y + 1, column=xcoor + 1, sticky='e')
# Save the string var and a reference to the lables in the dictionary
cells[id] = [var, label]
# Insert CSV content if it possible
if CsvContent != '':
# Start the updating Process
# Run the Mainloop