# Operating system functions.
import os
# Import all functions from scapy library.
from scapy.all import *
# Import Fore from colorama for colored console output, and init for colorama initialization.
from colorama import Fore, init
# Initialize colorama
# Set to store unique SSIDs.
seen_ssids = set()
# Function to set the wireless adapter to monitor mode.
def set_monitor_mode(interface):
# Bring the interface down.
os.system(f'ifconfig {interface} down')
# Set the mode to monitor.
os.system(f'iwconfig {interface} mode monitor')
# Bring the interface back up.
os.system(f'ifconfig {interface} up')
# Function to process Wi-Fi packets.
def process_wifi_packet(packet):
# Check if the packet is a Probe Request, Probe Response, or Association Request.
if packet.haslayer(Dot11ProbeReq) or packet.haslayer(Dot11ProbeResp) or packet.haslayer(Dot11AssoReq):
# Extract SSID and BSSID from the packet.
ssid ='utf-8', errors='ignore')
bssid = packet.addr3
# Check if the SSID is not empty and not in the set of seen SSIDs, and if the BSSID is not the broadcast/multicast address.
if ssid and ssid not in seen_ssids and bssid.lower() != 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff':
# Add the SSID to the set.
# Print the identified SSID and BSSID in green.
print(f"{Fore.GREEN}[+] SSID: {ssid} ----> BSSID: {bssid}")
# Main function.
def main():
# Define the wireless interface.
wireless_interface = 'wlan0'
# Set the wireless adapter to monitor mode.
# Print a message indicating that sniffing is starting on the specified interface in magenta.
print(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}[+] Sniffing on interface: {wireless_interface}")
# Start sniffing Wi-Fi packets on the specified interface, calling process_wifi_packet for each packet, and disabling packet storage
sniff(iface=wireless_interface, prn=process_wifi_packet, store=0)
# Check if the script is being run as the main program.
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Call the main function.