Python for Multimedia

Explore various tutorials on how you can handle multimedia files such as audio, video and images using different Python libraries such as MoviePy, OpenCV and more.

How to Extract Audio from Video in Python
How to Extract Audio from Video in Python

Learn how to convert video to audio using ffmpeg and subprocess, or using MoviePy library in Python.

How to Make a Barcode Reader in Python
How to Make a Barcode Reader in Python

Learn how to make a barcode scanner that decodes barcodes and draw them in the image using pyzbar and OpenCV libraries in Python

How to Play and Record Audio in Python
How to Play and Record Audio in Python

Learn how to play and record sound files using different libraries such as playsound, Pydub and PyAudio in Python.

How to Generate and Read QR Code in Python
How to Generate and Read QR Code in Python

Learning how you can generate and read QR Code in Python using qrcode and OpenCV libraries.

How to Record your Screen in Python
How to Record your Screen in Python

Using pyautogui and OpenCV to record display screen video and save it to a file in Python.