Learn how you can build a simple Todo application using the Django framework, crispy forms and Bootstrap in Python;
Learn how to create a Python script to detect clickjacking vulnerabilities in websites. This tutorial covers the basics of clickjacking, protection methods, and provides step-by-step instructions to build a simple yet effective clickjacking vulnerability scanner.
Learn how you can build a simple authentication system (sign up, login, and logout) using the Django framework and Bootstrap in Python.
Discover how to protect your ZIP files with a custom Python script in this tutorial. Learn to enforce strong passwords using pyzipper and safeguard your data from cyber threats. Perfect for programmers who love to DIY their security tools!
Learn how to use PyGame to create a Hangman word guessing game in Python.
Learn to validate credit card numbers using the Luhn algorithm in Python. This tutorial covers the algorithm steps, card type detection, and handling multiple card numbers from a file.
Learn how to build a nice GUI dictionary app with audio pronounciation using the Tkinter library in Python.
Learn how to utilize cssutils library to minimize CSS files in a web project in Python.
Learn how to build a simple alarm clock app using tkinter and playsound libraries in Python.
Automate the detection and exploitation of OS command injection vulnerabilities using Python. This comprehensive guide covers setting up a test environment with DVWA and Metasploitable, detecting vulnerabilities, and automating tests with custom scripts.
Learn to build a classic Breakout game in Python using Pygame. This tutorial covers setting up the game window, creating the paddle, ball, and bricks, adding ball bouncing logic, updating scores, and incorporating sounds.
Learn how to build a Python script that checks if a given username is available or taken across popular social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and more using concurrent requests in Python.
Learn how to handle one of the main data science common problems, which are imbalanced datasets, how to deal with them using SMOTE, tweaking class weights, and resampling in Python.
Learn to crack the Affine Cipher in Python with this step-by-step guide. Explore classical cryptography, understand modular arithmetic and linear algebra in encryption, and master brute force decryption with practical Python code.
Discover how to create a Twitter bot using Python and Tweepy in this concise guide. Learn to automate tweets with a simple bot that shares dog facts hourly, and delve into setting up a Twitter Developer account, handling API keys, and using OAuth for authentication.
Learn to protect your privacy by deleting metadata from images using Python and the Pillow library in this step-by-step tutorial, perfect for enhancing security.