Python Code Tutorials

Dimensionality Reduction Using Feature Selection in Python

Learn how to perform dimensionality reduction with feature selection such as recursively eliminating features, handling highly correlated features, and more using Scikit-learn in Python.

How to Manage Money with Python

Explore how Python, a versatile and user-friendly programming language, enhances money management through budgeting, expense tracking, and investment analysis. This guide delves into Python's financial tools and libraries for effective financial planning and automation, ensuring secure and informed financial decisions.

Data Cleaning with Pandas in Python

Learn how you can clean your dataset in Python using pandas, like dealing with missing values, inconsistency, out of range and duplicate values.

How to Make Malware Persistent in Python

Learn how to achieve persistence for malware using Python, ensuring it remains active after system reboots. This tutorial guides you through implementing persistence techniques on both Windows and Linux systems, from modifying registry settings to setting up cron jobs.

How to Remove Metadata from Images in Python

Learn to protect your privacy by deleting metadata from images using Python and the Pillow library in this step-by-step tutorial, perfect for enhancing security.

Non-Maximum Suppression with OpenCV and Python

Explore the critical role of Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) in object detection to eliminate redundant bounding boxes, ensuring precise results. This guide covers NMS's workings, the importance of Intersection-over-Union (IoU), and how to implement NMS with OpenCV in Python.

How to Edit Images using InstructPix2Pix in Python

Learn how you can edit and style images using Instruct-Pix2Pix with the help of Huggingface diffusers and transformers libraries in Python.

Top Python Frameworks For Web Development

Discover several Python frameworks for web development, such as Django, Flask, Bottle, CherryPy and more.

How to Build a Username Search Tool in Python

Learn how to build a Python script that checks if a given username is available or taken across popular social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and more using concurrent requests in Python.

How to Exploit Command Injection Vulnerabilities in Python

Automate the detection and exploitation of OS command injection vulnerabilities using Python. This comprehensive guide covers setting up a test environment with DVWA and Metasploitable, detecting vulnerabilities, and automating tests with custom scripts.

How to Extract Metadata from Docx Files in Python

Learn how to extract metadata from .docx files using Python-docx, a vital skill in digital forensics for analyzing document origins and malware tactics. This guide covers installation, coding with Python, and practical metadata analysis techniques.

How to Find Past Wi-Fi Connections on Windows in Python

Discover how to reveal all previously connected Wi-Fi networks on a Windows computer using Python, a crucial tool in digital forensics to unearth networks thought to be forgotten but stored in the Windows Registry.

Python Projects Anyone Can Contribute To

Explore some Python open-source libraries on different topics that you can contribute to on GitHub.

How to Use Python for Enterprise App Development

Discover how Python is shaping enterprise app development in this guide. Learn about the process from requirement analysis to deployment, the role of frameworks like Django and Flask, data management techniques, and future trends involving AI and Machine Learning. Explore why Python is essential for modern businesses.

How to Write an Essay about Python Programming

Explore on how you can write an essay about Python programming language.

How to Remove Persistent Malware in Python

Learn how to detect and remove persistent malware using Python in this step-by-step tutorial. Explore methods for automating malware removal across Windows and Linux systems by manipulating startup entries and crontab files.