Khumbo Klein

My name is Khumbo Klein Chilamwa, I'm a full-stack developer, who loves to work with new and exciting technologies. My love for the web has continued to grow since I got into the industry and will continue to do so. I’m a Python enthusiast, who loves creating cool things with Python. I’m also a content writer aficionado, who loves sharing Python knowledge in a user-friendly and simple-to-understand manner.

Khumbo Klein Articles

How to Build a CRUD Application using Django in Python
How to Build a CRUD Application using Django in Python

Learn how to build a CRUD Book store app using Django web framework and Bootstrap, with the ability to create, read, update, and delete books with ease.

How to Build an English Dictionary App with Django in Python
How to Build an English Dictionary App with Django in Python

Learn how to build a simple dictionary application using Django web framework and PyDictionary library in Python.