My name is Khumbo Klein Chilamwa, I'm a full-stack developer, who loves to work with new and exciting technologies. My love for the web has continued to grow since I got into the industry and will continue to do so. I’m a Python enthusiast, who loves creating cool things with Python. I’m also a content writer aficionado, who loves sharing Python knowledge in a user-friendly and simple-to-understand manner.
Learn how you can build a simple GUI image editor with Tkinter, pillow, ttkbootstrap libraries in Python
Learn how to build a GUI language translator app with tkinter, googletrans, pyttsx3, ttkbootstrap, and pyperclip libraries in Python.
Learn how you can build a PDF viewer GUI from scratch using Tkinter and PyMuPDF libraries in Python.
Learn how to build a GUI real-time spelling checker using nltk and tkinter libraries in Python.
Learn how to build a web assistant application using Django framework and OpenAI's ChatGPT API in Python.
Learn how to build a nice GUI dictionary app with audio pronounciation using the Tkinter library in Python.
Learn how to build a complete GUI QR code generator and reader program in Python using Tkinter, qrcode and OpenCV libraries.
Learn how to build a voice recorder GUI app using Tkinter and sounddevice libraries in Python.
Learn how to build a web-based application in Django that verifies email addresses using email-validator in Python.
Learn how to build a GUI app that downloads audio (MP3) files from YouTube videos using Pytube and Tkinter libraries in Python.
Learn how you to build an age calculator that calculates your age based on your birthday using Tkinter and datetime library in Python.
Learn how you can build a CLI and GUI YouTube video downloader using Pytube in Python.
Explore different libraries for detecting natural languages such as langdetect, langid, googletrans, and language-detector in Python.
Learn how you can build a Django website showing weather of any city in the world using OpenWeatherMap API in Python.
Learn how to extract gender from first name using API and build a GUI around it with Tkinter in Python.
Learn how to build a GUI currency converter using ExchangeRate API and Tkinter library in Python.