Python Code Tutorials

How to Make a YouTube Video Downloader in Python

Learn how you can build a CLI and GUI YouTube video downloader using Pytube in Python.

How to Make a Language Detector in Python

Explore different libraries for detecting natural languages such as langdetect, langid, googletrans, and language-detector in Python.

How to Make a Python Code Editor using Tkinter in Python

Learn how to make a simple python code editor that supports running the code and simple syntax highlighting using Tkinter in Python.

How to Make a Rich Text Editor with Tkinter in Python

Learn how to make a simple rich text editor where we can set a number of predefined styles for parts of the text via a Graphical User Interface (GUI) using Tkinter in Python.

Data Cleaning with Pandas in Python

Learn how you can clean your dataset in Python using pandas, like dealing with missing values, inconsistency, out of range and duplicate values.

How to Query the Ethereum Blockchain with Python

Learn how to interact with Ethereum blockchain like retrieving blocks, check for validation, making transactions and more using Python.

How to Build a Weather App using Django in Python

Learn how you can build a Django website showing weather of any city in the world using OpenWeatherMap API in Python.

How to Build a Spreadsheet App with Tkinter in Python

Learn how to make a simple spreadsheet app like Excel, where cells can reference each other and make calculations using Tkinter library in Python.

How to Detect Gender by Name using Tkinter in Python

Learn how to extract gender from first name using API and build a GUI around it with Tkinter in Python.

How to Build a GUI Currency Converter using Tkinter in Python

Learn how to build a GUI currency converter using ExchangeRate API and Tkinter library in Python.

How to Generate SVG Country Maps in Python

Learn how to use the GADM API to make SVG maps of all world countries in Python.

How to Build a CRUD Application using Django in Python

Learn how to build a CRUD Book store app using Django web framework and Bootstrap, with the ability to create, read, update, and delete books with ease.

How to Make a Markdown Editor using Tkinter in Python

Learn how you can create a markdown editor using the Tkinter library and regular expressions in Python.

How to Plot Weather Temperature in Python

Learn how to make an interactive plot that shows the temperatures forecast in a given city with matplotlib and requests libraries in Python.

Autoencoders for Dimensionality Reduction using TensorFlow in Python

Learn how to benefit from the encoding/decoding process of an autoencoder to extract features and also apply dimensionality reduction using Python and Keras all that by exploring the hidden values of the latent space.

Zipf's Word Frequency Plot with Python

Learn how to make plots with Python and matplotlib by checking texts for their word frequency distributions.

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