Python Code Tutorials

How to Use Regular Expressions in Python

Learn how to use Python's built-in re module to use several string matching techniques using functions like match, search, finditer and sub.

How to Work with JSON Files in Python

Learn how to save (serialize) and load (deserialize) JSON files in Python using the built-in json module.

Skin Cancer Detection using TensorFlow in Python

Learn how to use transfer learning to build a model that is able to classify benign and malignant (melanoma) skin diseases in Python using TensorFlow 2.

How to Build a SQL Injection Scanner in Python

Learn how to write a simple Python script to detect SQL Injection vulnerability on web applications using requests and BeautifulSoup in Python.

How to Use MongoDB Database in Python

Learn how to connect to a MongoDB database, list databases, collections, insert data into collections, fetching data from collections and more in Python using pymongo driver module.

How to Perform Voice Gender Recognition using TensorFlow in Python

Learn how to build a deep learning model that is able to detect and recognize your gender just by your voice tone using Tensorflow framework in Python.

How to Connect to a Remote MySQL Database in Python

Learn how to configure your MySQL server to be able to accept remote connections from Python

How to Use MySQL Database in Python

Learn how to connect to a MySQL database, create tables, insert and fetch data in Python using MySQL connector.

How to Translate Languages in Python

Learn how to make a language translator and detector using Googletrans library (Google Translation API) for translating more than 100 languages with Python.

How to Crack PDF Files in Python

Learn how you can use pikepdf, pdf2john and other tools to crack password protected PDF files in Python.

How to Use Google Drive API in Python

Learn how you can use Google Drive API to list files, search for specific files or file types, download and upload files from/to Google Drive in Python.

How to Blur Faces in Images using OpenCV in Python

Blurring and anonymizing faces in images and videos after performing face detection using OpenCV library in Python.

How to Convert Text to Speech in Python

Learn how you to perform speech synthesis by converting text to speech both online and offline using gTTS, pyttsx3, openai or huggingface transformers libraries in Python.

How to Download and Upload Files in FTP Server using Python

Learn how to use Python's built-in ftplib module to download and upload files in a FTP server using RETR and STOR commands respectively.

How to Read Emails in Python

Learn how you can use IMAP protocol to extract, parse and read emails from outlook, aol, office 365 and other email providers as well as downloading attachments using imaplib module in Python.

How to Use Github API in Python

Using Github Application Programming Interface v3 to search for repositories, users, making a commit, deleting a file, and more in Python using requests and PyGithub libraries.

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