Python Code Tutorials

How to Make a Real-Time GUI Spelling Checker in Python

Learn how to build a GUI real-time spelling checker using nltk and tkinter libraries in Python.

Image Captioning using PyTorch and Transformers in Python

Learn how to use pre-trained image captioning transformer models and what are the metrics used to compare models, you'll also learn how to train your own image captioning model with Pytorch and transformers in Python.

How to Build a Web Assistant Using Django and ChatGPT API in Python

Learn how to build a web assistant application using Django framework and OpenAI's ChatGPT API in Python.

How to Build a Dictionary App with Tkinter in Python

Learn how to build a nice GUI dictionary app with audio pronounciation using the Tkinter library in Python.

Clustering Algorithms in Machine Learning with Python

This article is a must-read for anyone looking to unlock the full potential of clustering in machine learning! It delves into the world of clustering, exploring different types such as density-based and centroid-based, and introducing lesser-known techniques like hierarchical and monothetic clustering with Python.

A Comprehensive Guide to Non-Intrusive Vulnerability Testing

The article provides an overview of the process of non-intrusive vulnerability assessment, which is a security measure used to identify and fix security flaws in networks, data, and applications. It explains the three types of vulnerabilities that need to be addressed during the process: software, network, and configur

Tokenization, Stemming, and Lemmatization in Python

This article discusses the preprocessing steps of tokenization, stemming, and lemmatization in natural language processing. It explains the importance of formatting raw text data and provides examples of code in Python for each procedure.

Why Learn Python for Data Science in 2024

Explore why you should learn Python programming language for learning data science in 2023

How to Geolocate IP addresses in Python

Learn how you can convert an IP address into a geographic location using IPInfo service and its wrapper in Python.

How to Perform DNS Enumeration in Python

Learn how you can extract DNS information of a domain name such as nameservers, IP addresses, email services and more using dnspython library in Python.

How to Print Variable Name and Value in Python

Learn the best way to print variable name and value in Python using F-strings.

How to Make a Ransomware in Python

Learn how to build a ransomware using symmetric encryption (AES algorithm) with the help of cryptography library in Python.

How to Write an Essay about Python Programming

Explore on how you can write an essay about Python programming language.

How to Build a GUI QR Code Generator and Reader in Python

Learn how to build a complete GUI QR code generator and reader program in Python using Tkinter, qrcode and OpenCV libraries.

How to Start a Programming Career

Discover some tips and advices for people who want to start a programming career in any field.

How to Make a Chess Game with Pygame in Python

Learn how you can build a chess game from scratch with Python classes and pygame library in Python.

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