Python Code Tutorials

Automate Reports with Python

Learn how to automate report generation with Python in this article. Explore the process from environment setup to data preparation, report creation, customization, error handling, and security. Discover Python's versatility and efficiency in transforming the traditional way of preparing reports, saving time, and enhan

How to Add a TLS/SSL Certificate in Python Code

Learn how to secure your Python applications with TLS/SSL certificates. Understand the importance of these cryptographic protocols, and grasp how to integrate SSL certificates into Python code using requests library.

How to Make a Language Detector in Python

Explore different libraries for detecting natural languages such as langdetect, langid, googletrans, and language-detector in Python.

How to Make a Planet Simulator with PyGame in Python

Learn how to build a planet simulator using pygame library in Python

How to Make a Calculator with Tkinter in Python

Learn how to make a calculator app with various features such as history and formulas using Tkinter library in Python.

How to Calculate the BLEU Score in Python

Deep-dive into the BLEU Score: A guide to understanding BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy), a vital metric in NLP. Learn how it evaluates machine-generated sentences against human references in text summarization, translation, and more with NLTK in Python.

How to Build a Weather App using Django in Python

Learn how you can build a Django website showing weather of any city in the world using OpenWeatherMap API in Python.

How to Perform Malaria Classification using TensorFlow 2 and Keras in Python

Learn how to build a deep learning malaria detection model to classify cell images to either infected or not infected with Malaria Tensorflow 2 and Keras API in Python.

How to Use the Argparse Module in Python

Master the argparse module in Python with this comprehensive tutorial, covering command-line applications, argument parsing, real-world examples, integration with other libraries, and best practices to create user-friendly interfaces and powerful command-line tools.

How to Build a CRUD Application using Django in Python

Learn how to build a CRUD Book store app using Django web framework and Bootstrap, with the ability to create, read, update, and delete books with ease.

How to Make a Typing Speed Tester with Tkinter in Python

Learn how to build a UI-based typing speed tester in Python using the built-in Tkinter library.

How to Make a Bluetooth Device Scanner in Python

Master Bluetooth device scanning with Python: A concise tutorial on using PyBluez for discovering and analyzing nearby Bluetooth devices, essential for cybersecurity and ethical hacking.

Speech Recognition in Python

Learn how to do Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) using APIs and/or directly performing Whisper inference on Transformers in Python

How to Use MongoDB Database in Python

Learn how to connect to a MongoDB database, list databases, collections, insert data into collections, fetching data from collections and more in Python using pymongo driver module.

How to Build a GraphQL API in Python

Learn how to leverage FastAPI, Strawberry, and PostgreSQL to build a fully functional CRUD GraphQL API server in Python.

How to Make a Login Password Guesser in Python

Master the art of ethical hacking with this hands-on tutorial on creating a Python-based login password guesser using brute-force techniques. Designed for educational purposes, this guide will level up your cybersecurity expertise.