Python Code Tutorials

How to Make a Python Code Editor using Tkinter in Python

Learn how to make a simple python code editor that supports running the code and simple syntax highlighting using Tkinter in Python.

How to Create a Pong Game in Python

Discover how to craft a Pong game with Python and Pygame through a comprehensive tutorial, gaining hands-on game development skills. Learn key concepts like rendering graphics, managing game state, and handling user input while bringing your code to life in this engaging guide.

How to Make a Login Password Guesser in Python

Master the art of ethical hacking with this hands-on tutorial on creating a Python-based login password guesser using brute-force techniques. Designed for educational purposes, this guide will level up your cybersecurity expertise.

K-Fold Cross Validation using Scikit-Learn in Python

Learn how you can perform K-Fold cross validation technique using the scikit-learn library in Python.

How to Automate your VPS or Dedicated Server Management in Python

Learning how you can automate routine tasks and manage servers on your Veesp Virtual Private Servers or dedicated servers in Python using Web APIs and requests library.

Speech Recognition in Python

Learn how to do Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) using APIs and/or directly performing Whisper inference on Transformers in Python

Recommender Systems using Association Rules Mining in Python

Build a recommender system for market basket analysis With association rule mining with the Online Retail dataset in Python.

How to Create a Slide Puzzle Game in Python

Learn how to make a slide puzzle game from scratch step by step with Pygame library in Python.

Autoencoders for Dimensionality Reduction using TensorFlow in Python

Learn how to benefit from the encoding/decoding process of an autoencoder to extract features and also apply dimensionality reduction using Python and Keras all that by exploring the hidden values of the latent space.

Zipf's Word Frequency Plot with Python

Learn how to make plots with Python and matplotlib by checking texts for their word frequency distributions.

Logistic Regression using PyTorch in Python

Learn how to perform logistic regression algorithm using the PyTorch deep learning framework on a customer churn example dataset in Python.

How to Create a RESTful API with Flask in Python

Learn to build a RESTful API using Flask, Python, and SQLite, covering setup, CRUD operations, database integration, and best practices for code organization.

Detecting Fraudulent Transactions in a Streaming App using Kafka in Python

Learn how to detect and filter fraudulent transactions in a streaming application using Apache Kafka with Python API.

How to Build a GUI Language Translator App in Python

Learn how to build a GUI language translator app with tkinter, googletrans, pyttsx3, ttkbootstrap, and pyperclip libraries in Python.

Python for Cyber Security: A Beginners Guide

A guide to Cybersecurity beginners and enthusiasts who want to learn the Python programming language.

Imbalance Learning With Imblearn and Smote Variants Libraries in Python

Learn how to overcome imbalance related problems by either undersampling or oversampling the dataset using different types and variants of smote in addition to the use of the Imblearn library in Python.