Python Code Tutorials

Sentiment Analysis using VADER in Python

Learn how you can easily perform sentiment analysis on text in Python using vaderSentiment library.

How to Extract All PDF Links in Python

Learn how you can extract links and URLs from PDF files with Python using pikepdf and PyMuPDF libraries.

How to Get Google Page Ranking in Python

Learn how to use Google Custom Search Engine API to get the keyword position ranking of a specific page in Python.

How to Make a SYN Flooding Attack in Python

Learn how to use Scapy library in Python to perform a TCP SYN Flooding attack, which is a form of denial of service attacks.

How to Create Plots with Plotly In Python

Learn how to use the visualization tool Plotly to implement and create dynamic plots and figures (such as scatters, histograms, and candlesticks) in Python.

How to Perform Malaria Classification using TensorFlow 2 and Keras in Python

Learn how to build a deep learning malaria detection model to classify cell images to either infected or not infected with Malaria Tensorflow 2 and Keras API in Python.

Algorithmic Trading with FXCM Broker in Python

Learn how to use the fxcmpy API in Python to perform trading operations with a demo FXCM (broker) account and learn how to do risk management using Take Profit and Stop Loss

Introduction to Finance and Technical Indicators with Python

Learn how to handle stock prices in Python, understand the candles prices format (OHLC), plotting them using candlestick charts as well as learning to use many technical indicators using stockstats library in Python.

How to Extract YouTube Comments in Python

Learn how you can monitor network traffic in the browser to write a Python script that extracts YouTube comments using requests library in Python.

How to Get Geolocation in Python

Learn how to use GeoPy library to geocode physical addresses into latitude and longitude and vice versa; getting latitude and longitude from addresses, towns, cities and more in Python.

How to Get Domain Name Information in Python

Learn how to validate domain names using WHOIS, as well as getting domain name information such as domain registrar, creation date, expiration date and more in Python.

How to Make a URL Shortener in Python

Learn how to use Bitly and Cuttly APIs to shorten long URLs programmatically using requests library in Python.

How to Use Regular Expressions in Python

Learn how to use Python's built-in re module to use several string matching techniques using functions like match, search, finditer and sub.

How to Work with JSON Files in Python

Learn how to save (serialize) and load (deserialize) JSON files in Python using the built-in json module.

Skin Cancer Detection using TensorFlow in Python

Learn how to use transfer learning to build a model that is able to classify benign and malignant (melanoma) skin diseases in Python using TensorFlow 2.

How to Build a SQL Injection Scanner in Python

Learn how to write a simple Python script to detect SQL Injection vulnerability on web applications using requests and BeautifulSoup in Python.