Ahmed Waheed

My name is Ahmed Waheed. A person with ideas, who is committed to learn and develop new things, and a team player. Python is my first programming language. I have a wide range of experience with image processing, data science tools, and libraries. I love to write.

Ahmed Waheed Articles

How to Calculate ROUGE Score in Python
How to Calculate ROUGE Score in Python

Learn what is the ROUGE score and how to calculate it using rouge_score library in Python.

Word Error Rate in Python
Word Error Rate in Python

Learn what is Word Error Rate (WER) metric that is widely used in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and how to implement it in Python along with using third-party libraries like jiwer and evaluate.

How to Calculate the BLEU Score in Python
How to Calculate the BLEU Score in Python

Deep-dive into the BLEU Score: A guide to understanding BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy), a vital metric in NLP. Learn how it evaluates machine-generated sentences against human references in text summarization, translation, and more with NLTK in Python.

SIFT Feature Extraction using OpenCV in Python
SIFT Feature Extraction using OpenCV in Python

Learn how to compute and detect SIFT features for feature matching and more using OpenCV library in Python.

How to Apply HOG Feature Extraction in Python
How to Apply HOG Feature Extraction in Python

Learn how to use scikit-image library to extract Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) features from images in Python.

Image Transformations using OpenCV in Python
Image Transformations using OpenCV in Python

Learn how to perform perspective image transformation techniques such as image translation, reflection, rotation, scaling, shearing and cropping using OpenCV library in Python.

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