Python Code Tutorials

How to Detect Contours in Images using OpenCV in Python

Learning how to detect contours in images for image segmentation, shape analysis and object detection and recognition using OpenCV in Python.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) in Python

Learn how to Use Tesseract OCR library and pytesseract wrapper for optical character recognition (OCR) to convert text in images into digital text in Python.

How to Detect Shapes in Images in Python using OpenCV

Detecting shapes, lines and circles in images using Hough Transform technique with OpenCV in Python. Hough transform is a popular feature extraction technique to detect any shape within an image.

How to Convert Speech to Text in Python

Learning how to use Speech Recognition Python library for performing speech recognition to convert audio speech to text in Python.

How to Perform Edge Detection in Python using OpenCV

Learning how to apply edge detection in computer vision applications using canny edge detector algorithm with OpenCV in Python.

How to Make a Subdomain Scanner in Python

Learning how to build a Python script to scan for subdomains of a given domain using requests library.

How to Extract All Website Links in Python

Building a crawler to extract all website internal and external links using requests, requests_html and beautiful soup in Python.

How to Use Transfer Learning for Image Classification using TensorFlow in Python

Learn what is transfer learning and how to use pre trained MobileNet model for better performance to classify flowers using TensorFlow in Python.

How to Compress and Decompress Files in Python

Learn how to compress and decompress files, folders and symbolic links in Python using gzip compression in tarfile built-in module.

How to Download All Images from a Web Page in Python

Learn how to extract and download images from a single web page in Python using requests and BeautifulSoup libraries.

How to Encrypt and Decrypt Files in Python

Encrypting and decrypting files in Python using symmetric encryption scheme with cryptography library.

How to Create a Reverse Shell in Python

Building a reverse shell in Python using sockets that can execute remote shell commands and send the results back to the server.

How to Build a Text Generator using TensorFlow 2 and Keras in Python

Building a deep learning model to generate human readable text using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and LSTM with TensorFlow and Keras frameworks in Python.

How to Download Files from URL in Python

Learn how to use requests and tqdm libraries to build a powerful file downloader with progress bar using Python.

How to Extract Weather Data from Google in Python

Scraping Google weather search page to extract useful information such as current weather, temperature, next days' weather and much more in Python using requests and Beautiful Soup.

How to Generate and Read QR Code in Python

Learning how you can generate and read QR Code in Python using qrcode and OpenCV libraries.

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