Python Code Tutorials

How to Convert HTML to PDF in Python

Learn how you can convert HTML pages to PDF files from an HTML file, URL or even HTML content string using wkhtmltopdf tool and its pdfkit wrapper in Python.

How to Make a Currency Converter in Python

Learn how to make a real-time currency converter using different ways and from various sources such as xe, yahoo finance, xrates and Fixer API in Python.

How to Compress Images in Python

Learn how to reduce image file size by compressing and resizing the image using Pillow library in Python.

How to Paraphrase Text using Transformers in Python

Explore different pre-trained transformer models in transformers library to paraphrase sentences in Python.

Why use Python for Data Analysis

Learn what a Data Analyst is and what you should know when using Python programming language for data analysis.

Satellite Image Classification using TensorFlow in Python

Learn how to fine-tune the current state-of-the-art EffecientNet V2 model to perform image classification on satellite data (EuroSAT) using TensorFlow in Python.

How to Extract Text from PDF in Python

Learn how to extract text as paragraphs line by line from PDF documents with the help of PyMuPDF library in Python.

How to Add Audio to Video in Python

Learn how you can add audio clip to a video clip with more flexibility using the MoviePy library in Python.

How to Record a Specific Window in Python

Learn how to record a specific opened window in your Windows machine using pyautogui and pygetwindow libraries in Python.

How to Split PDF Files in Python

Learn how you can make a PDF splitter script with the help of pikepdf library in Python.

Text Generation with Transformers in Python

Learn how you can generate any type of text with GPT-2 and GPT-J transformer models with the help of Huggingface transformers library in Python.

Speech Recognition using Transformers in Python

Learn how to perform speech recognition using wav2vec2 and whisper transformer models with the help of Huggingface transformers library in Python.

How to Extract Saved WiFi Passwords in Python

Learn how you can extract Wi-Fi passwords that are saved in your machine (either Windows or Linux) using Python without installing any third-party library.

How to Organize Files by Extension in Python

Learn how to separate your files by extension in your target folder using Python's built-in libraries.

Machine Translation using Transformers in Python

Learn how to use Huggingface transformer models to perform machine translation on various languages using transformers and PyTorch libraries in Python.

How to Extract Video Metadata in Python

Learn how to extract video or audio file metadata in Python with the help of ffmpeg framework and its ffmpeg-python wrapper.