Web Programming Tutorials

Learn how to create real-world web applications using Python frameworks such as Flask, Django and more.

How to Build a Full-Stack Web App in Python using FastAPI and React.js
How to Build a Full-Stack Web App in Python using FastAPI and React.js

Learn how to build a full-stack notes web app using FastAPI, ReactJS, SQLAlchemy and SQLite.

How to Build a Chat App using Flask in Python
How to Build a Chat App using Flask in Python

Learn how to build a web-based chat room application using Flask and Flask-SocketIO libraries in Python.

How to Build a GraphQL API in Python
How to Build a GraphQL API in Python

Learn how to leverage FastAPI, Strawberry, and PostgreSQL to build a fully functional CRUD GraphQL API server in Python.

How to Create a RESTful API with Flask in Python
How to Create a RESTful API with Flask in Python

Learn to build a RESTful API using Flask, Python, and SQLite, covering setup, CRUD operations, database integration, and best practices for code organization.

How to Build a News Site API with Django Rest Framework in Python
How to Build a News Site API with Django Rest Framework in Python

Learn how to create a news site API from scratch using the Django and Django Rest Framework libraries in Python.

How to Make an Accounting App with Django in Python
How to Make an Accounting App with Django in Python

Learn how to build an accounting application using the Django framework and Bootstrap in Python.

How to Build a Web Assistant Using Django and ChatGPT API in Python
How to Build a Web Assistant Using Django and ChatGPT API in Python

Learn how to build a web assistant application using Django framework and OpenAI's ChatGPT API in Python.

How to Build an Email Address Verifier App using Django in Python
How to Build an Email Address Verifier App using Django in Python

Learn how to build a web-based application in Django that verifies email addresses using email-validator in Python.

How to Make a Todo App using Django in Python
How to Make a Todo App using Django in Python

Learn how you can build a simple Todo application using the Django framework, crispy forms and Bootstrap in Python;

How to Make a Blog using Django in Python
How to Make a Blog using Django in Python

Learn how to build a simple blog from scratch using the Django framework and Bootstrap styling in Python.

How to Build an Authentication System in Django
How to Build an Authentication System in Django

Learn how you can build a simple authentication system (sign up, login, and logout) using the Django framework and Bootstrap in Python.

How to Build a Weather App using Django in Python
How to Build a Weather App using Django in Python

Learn how you can build a Django website showing weather of any city in the world using OpenWeatherMap API in Python.

How to Build a CRUD Application using Django in Python
How to Build a CRUD Application using Django in Python

Learn how to build a CRUD Book store app using Django web framework and Bootstrap, with the ability to create, read, update, and delete books with ease.

How to Build an English Dictionary App with Django in Python
How to Build an English Dictionary App with Django in Python

Learn how to build a simple dictionary application using Django web framework and PyDictionary library in Python.

How to Build a Complete CRUD App using Flask and Jinja2 in Python
How to Build a Complete CRUD App using Flask and Jinja2 in Python

Learn how to build the frontend of a CRUD application using Flask, Jinja2, Bootstrap and SQLAlchemy libraries in Python.

How to Build a CRUD App with Flask and SQLAlchemy in Python
How to Build a CRUD App with Flask and SQLAlchemy in Python

Learn how to create a CRUD application as a RESTful API using Flask and SQLAlchemy, making a Bookshop web application as a demonstration in Python.

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