Using K-Means Clustering unsupervised machine learning algorithm to segment different parts of an image using OpenCV in Python.
Learn how to build a simple chat room application that accepts multiple connected clients using built-in's sockets and threading libraries in Python.
Learn how to use Gmail API to send emails, search for emails by query, delete emails, mark emails as read or unread in Python.
Using pyautogui and OpenCV to record display screen video and save it to a file in Python.
Learn how to extract and download images from a single web page in Python using requests and BeautifulSoup libraries.
Learning how you can execute shell commands and scripts on a remote machine in Python using paramiko library.
Learn how to use colorama library to print colored text with different colors (such as red, green and blue) in the background and foreground and brightness in Python.
Learn how you can scrape forms from web pages, as well as filling and submitting them using requests html and beautiful soup in Python.
Learn how you can use Google Drive API to list files, search for specific files or file types, download and upload files from/to Google Drive in Python.
Learning how to detect contours in images for image segmentation, shape analysis and object detection and recognition using OpenCV in Python.
Building a Wi-Fi scanner in Python using Scapy that finds and displays available nearby wireless networks and their MAC address, dBm signal, channel and encryption type.
Learning how you can generate and read QR Code in Python using qrcode and OpenCV libraries.
Learn how to use GeoPy library to geocode physical addresses into latitude and longitude and vice versa; getting latitude and longitude from addresses, towns, cities and more in Python.
Monitoring Operating System processes in Python using psutil library and making a similar program of Windows Task Manager or Linux top utility.
Learn how to make a barcode scanner that decodes barcodes and draw them in the image using pyzbar and OpenCV libraries in Python
Building a simple network scanner using ARP requests and monitor the network using Scapy library in Python.