Python Code Tutorials

How to Convert PDF to Docx in Python

Learn how you can use pdf2docx library to convert PDF files to docx word files in Python

How to Extract Text from Images in PDF Files with Python

Learn how to leverage tesseract, OpenCV, PyMuPDF and many other libraries to extract text from images in PDF files with Python

How to Highlight and Redact Text in PDF Files with Python

Learn how to use PyMuPDF library to highlight, frame, underline, strikeout and redact text in PDF Files with Python.

Imbalance Learning With Imblearn and Smote Variants Libraries in Python

Learn how to overcome imbalance related problems by either undersampling or oversampling the dataset using different types and variants of smote in addition to the use of the Imblearn library in Python.

How to Watermark PDF Files in Python

Learn how to add and remove watermarks to/from PDF files with PyPDF4 and reportlab libraries in Python.

Webhooks in Python with Flask

Learn how to create a streaming application with real-time charting by consuming webhooks with the help of Flask, Redis, SocketIO and other libraries in Python.

How to Create a Watchdog in Python

Learn how to monitor and watch your file system for events by creating a watchdog in Python with watchdog and pygtail libraries.

How to Change Text Color in Python

Learn how to use colorama library to print colored text with different colors (such as red, green and blue) in the background and foreground and brightness in Python.

Conversational AI Chatbot with Transformers in Python

Learn how to use Huggingface transformers library to generate conversational responses with the pretrained DialoGPT model in Python.

Asynchronous Tasks with Celery in Python

Learn how to leverage Celery library, Redis database and SocketIO library to build synchronous and asynchronous tasks with Flask in Python.

Detecting Fraudulent Transactions in a Streaming App using Kafka in Python

Learn how to detect and filter fraudulent transactions in a streaming application using Apache Kafka with Python API.

How to Extract Chrome Cookies in Python

Learn how to extract Google Chrome browser saved cookies and decrypt them on your Windows machine in Python.

Feature Selection using Scikit-Learn in Python

Learn how to use Scikit-Learn library in Python to perform feature selection with SelectKBest, random forest algorithm and recursive feature elimination (RFE).

Daemon Threads in Python

Learn what daemon threads are with toy examples as well as real world examples and how to set daemon threads in Python

How to Use Python to Program Hardware

Learn how to get started with programming hardware in Python by viewing the broad overview of the skills and processes needed to pair Python with hardware.

How to Extract YouTube Data using YouTube API in Python

Learn how to extract YouTube data including video and channel details, searching by keyword or channel and extracting comments with YouTube API in Python.