Bassem Marji is a project implementation manager at BLOM Bank with a proven track record of success.
He managed the implementation of over 50 projects and propelled the digital transformation of mission critical applications.
He spends his free time discovering the latest technology trends in the IT field.
Learn how to generate self-signed certificates and sign them into PDF files as digital signatures using PyOpenSSL and PDFNetPython3 libraries in Python.
Learn how to perform gender detection on detected faces in images using OpenCV library in Python.
Learn how to predict someone's age from his front face picture using OpenCV library in Python
Learn how to merge two or multiple PDF files into a single PDF file using PyPDF4 library in Python
Learn how to add and remove passwords to PDF files using PyPDF4 library, as well as using pyAesCrypt to encrypt and decrypt PDF files in Python
Learn how to compress PDF files in Python using the wrapper of PDFTron SDK.
Learn how to use PyMuPDF library to convert PDF files into individual images per page in Python.
Learn how you can use pdf2docx library to convert PDF files to docx word files in Python
Learn how to leverage tesseract, OpenCV, PyMuPDF and many other libraries to extract text from images in PDF files with Python
Learn how to use PyMuPDF library to highlight, frame, underline, strikeout and redact text in PDF Files with Python.
Learn how to add and remove watermarks to/from PDF files with PyPDF4 and reportlab libraries in Python.
Learn how to create a streaming application with real-time charting by consuming webhooks with the help of Flask, Redis, SocketIO and other libraries in Python.
Learn how to monitor and watch your file system for events by creating a watchdog in Python with watchdog and pygtail libraries.
Learn how to leverage Celery library, Redis database and SocketIO library to build synchronous and asynchronous tasks with Flask in Python.
Learn how to detect and filter fraudulent transactions in a streaming application using Apache Kafka with Python API.